Legal Groundup

Legal Studies from the ground up

Application Excercise 6j

1. The adherence to Article 18 might help to improve the quality of life for some people or groups by everyone having the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, which includes freedom to change your religion or belief.

2. The adherence to Article 19 might help to improve the quality of life for some people or groups by ensuring everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media.

3. Article 18 may have influenced Australian law makers and therefore contributed to the protection of rights in Australia by ensuring the right toreligious freedomis protectedin Australia.

4. Article 19 may have influenced Australian law makers making reference to media and defamation laws by allowing everyone the right to freedom of opinion and expression and imparting information and ideas through any media without interference or penalties/ consequences under the law, such as defamation laws.